We thought M.D.'s were making this stuff up -- until we checked the books
By: Kristina Grish for Women's Health Magazine
Whoever comes up with medical terminology definitely has a sense of humor -- or else they've been inhaling too much formaldehyde. How else can you explain conditions with names like retarded ejaculation and spastic colon? After curling up with a copy of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and about half a dozen other toaster-size tomes, we found the silliest, grossest, most misleading vocabulary ever to escape a doctors lips and translated it into plain English. And since this branch of the medical biz clearly needs some assistance, we've offered up monikers we think are much more to the point. Heres hoping your man never becomes spermally challenged.
Docs call it: Cardiac Tamponade
Sounds like: What bright-siders make when life gives them tampons
Really refers to: A condition caused by blood or fluid buildup in the space between the hearts muscle and its outer sac
WH prefers: Bloated Heart
Really refers to: A condition caused by blood or fluid buildup in the space between the hearts muscle and its outer sac
WH prefers: Bloated Heart
Docs call it: Cul-de-Sac
Sounds like: A good spot to crack open the keg, light bottle rockets, and call it a block party
Really refers to: A highly sensitive area (were talking orgasm-trigger level) behind the cervix
Really refers to: A highly sensitive area (were talking orgasm-trigger level) behind the cervix
WH prefers: The C-spot
Docs call it: Giant Hairy Nevus
Sounds like: What you've nicknamed his member (behind his back)
Really refers to: A dark and often hairy birthmark that may cover a large area of the body (think your entire torso)
WH prefers: Epidermal Toupee
Docs call it Incompetent Cervix
Sounds like: Your vajayjay just blew its annual performance evaluation
Really refers to: A cervix that becomes weakened during pregnancy. Pressure from a growing fetus can sometimes cause it to open before the infant is ready to be born
WH prefers: Chubby Baby Syndrome
Docs call it: Jail fever
Sounds like: Whats playing at 2 a.m. on Skinemax
Really refers to: A bacterial infection spread by lice or fleas
WH prefers: Raging Cooties
Really refers to: A bacterial infection spread by lice or fleas
WH prefers: Raging Cooties
Docs call it: Labyrinthitis
Sounds like: A pathological compulsion to send tourists in the wrong direction
Really refers to: A disorder that occurs when the inner ear becomes inflamed and irritated, which can lead to dizziness and balance problems
Docs call it: Retarded Ejaculation
Sounds like: Someones spunk is special
Really refers to: An inability to ejaculate during intercourse or while masturbating with a partner
WH prefers: Spermally Challenged
WH prefers: Spermally Challenged
Docs call it: Spastic Colon
Sounds like: Your poop chute could use a shot of Ritalin
Really refers to: A disease of the lower intestinal tract that can cause abdominal pain, alternating constipation and diarrhea, gas, bloating, and nausea
WH prefers: Busted Gut
Docs call it: Valley Fever
Sounds like: You're, like, totally hot for, like, dudes from Reseda
Docs call it: Valley Fever
Sounds like: You're, like, totally hot for, like, dudes from Reseda
Really refers to: An infection caused by inhaling fungal spores that blow around the desert
Docs call it: Wet Mount
Really refers to: A test for vaginitis -- the catch-all term for common vaginal conditions (such as yeast infections) that can cause itching, pain, odor, and discharge
WH prefers: Crotch Scene Investigation
WH prefers: Crotch Scene Investigation