We are moving on to bigger and more expensive approaches to achieving our dream of finding Baby Boop. On January 31 at 10am a fertility specialist (Reproductive Endocrinologist-RE from here on out) will be reviewing our medical history, possible procedures, expected outcomes, and $$$$$$$$$$ with us. Yes, that's 10 dollar signs, because infertility procedures, medications, and monitoring is NOT cheap. South Carolina, along with at least 33 other states, don't require insurance companies to cover infertility procedures. SO, the first time a check mark shows up anywhere near the infertile box it sets off alarms in their offices! "We've got a big one here! From now on we do not cover ANY blood work, gynecology appointments, or medications for this one! They will have to go through the red-tape, yellow-tape, and any other tape we can find around here before they see another dime from us!!! *Enter evil laughing smilie here*
Officer Boop has also agreed to allow his type-A personality of a wife to begin filling out paperwork for adoption. We have agreed that we are going to pursue a domestic private adoption. I know that there are already soooo many older children and special-needs children out there waiting to find a good home, but at this point in our lives we need that sweet Baby Boop in our arms, the wailing cries at night to keep us awake, endless diaper changes, and formula puke on our work uniforms. I will feel peaceful knowing that the B.B. that comes to live with us was saved from an abortion, or would have been living with a struggling family.
My plea to you fellow bloggers is to send up some prayers for The Boop's. Email or post comments about your stories of achieving parent-hood.