That's about how fast we are moving with getting a definite diagnosis of secondary hypogonadism. Several days after meeting with the endocrinologist, DH asked if I thought my GP would listen to my theory and agree to treat him based on that diagnosis. Based on my 5 year history with Dr. M, I told DH that it was worth a shot. I knew that if I went in there with my research, diagnosis, and plan Dr. M would hear me out. If he didn't I knew I could always cry. It's worked before, and I'm willing to show my true emotions with him instead of stuffing and getting pissed! DH agreed to give it another shot, so before he could have a change of heart I called and set up the appointment for the next day.
After the usual 40 minute waiting room delay, we were ushered to the back where DH was weighed, vital'd, and questioned by the nurse. He sat wordless as I explained the dilema. After she left, I asked if I should "shut my trap". His shrug was what I've come to expect from low T DH...disappointing. The old DH would crack a joke or at least tell me that I'm some form of crazy. I sure do miss that man! Anyway, Dr. M came in asking about the labs we had brought from his old doc, Dr. DeG, showing how rapidly and drastically DH's T is dropping. I spread out my research showing him how all of the hormones are related, what the optimal levels are for DH's age and build, and what the AACE guidlines recommend. He admitted that he doesn't know enough about endocrinology to treat such an issue and suggested we go visit one...LOL!!! After telling him the very short story of our last visit ("The guy was an ass, and we won't go back!") he agreed to order an MRI for the pituitary. He also thought we might have better luck going back to the RE we saw several years ago.
The best nurses that I've dealt with work at PREG! Dr. N and Dr. P were so very lucky and very smart to hire these girls. This is the RE's office. The nurse that answered the phone immediatly recognized my desperation, and answered as many questions as she could over the phone. She took the time to speak with Dr. P after pulling our records from the 2008 files! The consensus was that we should complete the MRI to rule out a tumor, then we can make an appointment to speak with either one of the docs. We will be treated as if we are trying to conceive which will include an updated SA to determine if the low T is affecting DH's counts. The nurse explained that they will send those results to the only urologist in our area that treats men with infertility problems, Dr. H. She also affirmed that they have treated men with this problem before, and that they have done so using low dose Clomid. She wasn't sure if they have ever used HCG, but she giggled when I sighed loudly and said "It's about time someone knows what they are doing!"

That was last week, and this week has been just as interesting! It started off with the MRI appt at 7:15 am Monday morning. OMG...that's just insane! Somehow we made it on time, and I didn't even have to sing. Unfortunately the MRI tech doesnt' know what to do with an order that says, "MRI with sedation", so less than 15 minutes after he went back DH rushes out, grabs his stuff, and says, "Let's get out of here!" Turns out the tech didn't give him any sedation, and he flipped out after just the first 2 minutes. There was no way I'd be able to drag him back in there, so we headed over to Dr. M's office to let them know what happened. The nurse says she will let the doc know, and will make calls to the "open MRI" locations to find out if the test can be completed at one of their offices.
Now that it's 9am, and a few offices are open, I place a call to Dr. H. The receptionist reluctantly answers a few of my questions. "Yes, he will treat men with low T that want to maintain their fertilty withOUT using T shots." "No, I can't tell you what that treatment will be because it's based on the individual." "Yes, he will treat based on symptoms, and not strictly the labs." "Yes, I can make him an appointment." "No, he can't be seen before March 9th. Dr. H won't let us overbook. He prefers to have an open schedule so that he can spend enough time with each patient." "Yes, I will put you on a cancellation list, and call you if ANYTHING comes open!"

Did you catch all of those doctor's? We've used Dr. DeG...DH's first GP whom wanted to treat him with T shots, and doesn't know that they will cause infertilty and raisins. Dr. W...the endocrinologist. Enough said there! Dr. M...my GP for the past 5 + years, and now DH's. Dr's P and N...RE's from PREG whom have the best nurses on the planet. Dr. H...urologist with an infertilty specialty. I've got my fingers crossed that he also has all the answers! Whew. My phone's contact list is full, and I'm exhausted!

My prayers are with you, Lisa! I pray that everything works out the way you hope it does! Have you considered adopting? Best thing I ever did!!
Thanks for the prayers. Yes, it's always been a dream of mine to foster/adopt! T has been scared to death of the prospects (especially through DSS)! He's seen too many kids get into great homes, find love, and real family... only to be taken and returned somewhere they shouldn't be.
But the month before we got pg with the second, we had finally reached the point where he had agreed, and I was beginning to research. I had 1 more set of meds in the closet and felt led to use them before completely giving up on ttc'ing...it worked...for a short while. After that I found out about the MTHFR, then his promiscuity, then his testosterone levels!!! We need to make progress, then we'll be discussing the direction we are headed! And I'll be calling you for advice!
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